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Aleksandra Vejnović

Teaching Assistant

Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics


Phone: 0214899200

ORCID ID : 0000-0001-7697-3261

Academic career Year Institution Field

Status Acquired


Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad

Gynaecology and Obstetrics



Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad

General medicine

M Description


Namak SY, Vejnović A, Vejnović TR, Moore JB, Kirk JK. Change in knowledge and preferred scenario responses after completion of the Advanced life support in obstetrics course in Serbia. FAM MED. 2019;51:850–3.


Obradović R, Vejnović T, Kekeljević I, Vejnović A, Višnjevac N, Raković M et al. Pre production for development of educational 3D animation according to Vejnovic modification of the cesarean section technique. 5th International Scientific Conference on Geometry and Graphics, moNGeometrija; 2016.


Kričković Pele K, Mladenović Segedi Lj, Vejnović A, Vejnović T. Pilot center for victims of sexual violence at clinic for gynaecology and obstetrics – Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. 15th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health, The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 23:sup1, 51


Vejnovic A, Curcic A, Mladenovic-Segedi L, Vejnovic T. The incidence of endometriosis in women who had neonatal uterine bleeding – cohort study. In: Abstract book. 14th European congress of paediatric and adolescent gynaecology; 2017 Jun 7 – 10; Vilnius, Lithuania. EURAPAG; 2017 p.28


Vejnović T, Dan Costa S, Ignjatov A, Vejnović A. Modified Vejnovic technique. In: Ionescu C, Dimitriu M, editors. Operatia Cezariana. Bucharest: Carol Devila University, 2018.


Вејновић А. Вејновић Т. Партограм. У: Ђурђевић С, Петровић Ђ, уредници. Практикум из гинеколошко-акушерске дијагностике и терапије. Нови Сад: Медицински факултет, 2018.


Стајић Д, Вејновић А. Квалитет живота пацијенткиња после хистеректомије. У: Ђурђевић С, Деваја О, уредници. Лапароскопска хирургија у гинекологији. Нови Сад: Медицински факултет, 2016.


Djurdjevic S, Vejnovic A, Pantelic M. Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy at the clinic of gynecology and obstetrics in Novi Sad. Med Pregl. 2019;72:143–7.


Zorić J, Vejnović A, Kokanov D, Subotin D, Šproh-Beljička J, Đorđević D. Placental location after cesarean section. Hungarian Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2018.


Vejnović T, Vejnović A. New technique in obstetrics: Vejnović modification of caesarean section. Is there an impact on the frequency of placenta increta/percreta? Jatros. Medizin für die Frau 3/16. p.26-9. Available from: http://ch.universimed.com/files/grafik/Zeitungen_2016/Frau_1603/e-papers/index.html#26/z

Course Studies

Gynecology and obstetrics

Integrated academic studies in medicine

Introduction to clinical practice I

Integrated academic studies in medicine

Nursing care of women with gynecology and obstetrics

Undergraduate academic studies in nursing

Nursing care of women with gynecology and obstetrics

Undergraduate applied studies in nursing