Renata Škrbić

Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Phone: 021420677
ORCID ID : 0000-0001-8957-4577
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Phone: 021420677
ORCID ID : 0000-0001-8957-4577
Academic career | Year | Institution | Field |
PhD |
2018 |
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad |
Public health - Special Education and Rehabilitation | Status Acquired |
2018 |
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad |
Medical discipline in Special Education and Rehabilitation |
MSc |
2011 |
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad |
Special education and rehabilitation |
Graduated |
1996 |
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Special education and rehabilitation |
M | Description |
51 | Veselinović M, Hotilovac M, Brkić-Jovanović N, Škrbić R, Milankov V. Subjektivna i objektivna akustička analiza glasa nastavnika razredne nastave. Medicinski pregled. 2021;74(3-4):98-105. |
52 | Sokolovac I, Slavnić S, Škrbić R, Lemajić-Komazec S. Production of verb tenses in children with cochlear implants. Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija. 2016; 15(4):437-58. |
33 | Škrbić R, Karić J, Sokolovac I. Use of accommodations and modifications in Mathematics and Serbian language for students with hearing impairment. In: R. Jukić (ed.) International Scientific Conference Global and Local Perspectives of Pedagogy, Proceedings (Osijek; 2016 )(pp. 72-83). 2016. |
14 | Sokolovac I, Škrbić R, Veselinović M, Lemajić-Komazec S, Slavnić S. Syntactic performance in children with cochlear implants. In S. Nikolić, R. Nikić, V. Ilanković (Eds.), Early intervention in special education and rehabilitation (pp.223 - 254). Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation; 2016. |
52 | Mumović G, Golijan B, Škrbić R, Kravos A. Кnowledge about head and neck cancer in the population of Vojvodina: А comparative study. Collegium Anthropologicum, 2015; 39(3):761-7. |
23 | Мumоvić G, Vеsеlinоvić М, Аrbutinа Т, Škrbić R. Vocal therapy of hyperkinetic dysphonia. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2014; 142(11-12):656-62. |
51 | Škrbić R, Golubović Š, Milankov V. Provera znanja učenika sa oštećenjem sluha. Pedagogija, 2013; 68(1):131-8. |
21a | Golubović Š, Škrbić R. Agreement in quality of life assessment between adolescents with intellectual disability and their parents. Res Dev Disabil 2013;34(6):1863-9. |
51 | Škrbić R, Milankov V, Veselinović M, Todorović A. Impact of hearing impairment on quality of life of adolescents. Medicinski pregled. 2013; 66(1-2):32-39. |
Course | Studies |
Equality culture and partner relationships | Undergraduate academic studies of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Individual educational plan | Undergraduate academic studies of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Sing Language | Undergraduate academic studies of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Sing Language | Undergraduate professional studies in radiological technology |
Medical basis of surdology | Undergraduate academic studies of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Methodic/didactical approach in working with persons with hearing disorders | Undergraduate academic studies of Special Education |
Preventive-corrective work with school aged children | Undergraduate academic studies of Special Education |
Methods and techniques in working with persons with hearing disorders | Undergraduate academic studies of Special Education |
Sensory integration and movement therapy | Undergraduate academic studies of Special Education |
Special Education and Rehabilitation – principles and practis in education | Master academic studies of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Special Education and Rehabilitation – principles and practis in rehabilitation | Master academic studies of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Strategy and treatmen of developmental disorders | Master academic studies of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Modern approach to early intervention | Specialist academic studies of early childhood intervention |
Instruments for the assessment of early capacity development in children | Specialist academic studies of early childhood intervention |
Early intervention programmes for children with speech and language disability | Specialist academic studies of early childhood intervention |