Mladen Đurić

Teaching Assistant
Academic career | Year | Institution | Field |
Specialization |
2021 |
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad |
General surgery | Status Acquired |
2021 |
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad |
Surgical oncology |
Graduated |
2013 |
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad |
General medicine |
M | Description |
53 | Djuric M, Lukic D, Radovanovic Z, Ðermanovic A, Ranisavljevic M, Gutic B. Local recurrence after surgery of locally advanced rectal cancer treated with or without preoperative chemoradiotherapy. Arch Oncol. 2020;26(2):30-4. |
23 | Dermanovic A, Radovanovic Z, Lukic D, Duric M, Kresoja M, Golijanin D. Extralevator abdominoperineal excision for low rectal cancer: oncological outcome after five-year follow-up. South African Journal of Surgery. 2021;59(4). doi:10.17159/2078-5151/2021/v59n4a3418 |
54 | Selakovic V, Ranisavljevic M, Radovanovic Z, Vicko F, Lukic D, Ðuric M. Early postoperative complications and local relapses after nipple sparing mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction using silicone implants. Arch Oncol 2019;25(1):9–12 |
21 | Glasbey J, Blanco‐Colino R, Kelly M, Singh B, Nepogodiev D, Bhangu A, Pinkney T, Poskus T,…Djuric M… Association of mechanical bowel preparation with oral antibiotics and anastomotic leak following left sided colorectal resection: an international, multi-centre, prospective audit. Colorectal Dis. 2018 Sep;20 Suppl 6:15-32. doi: 10.1111/codi.14362. |
34 | Ranisavljevic M, Radovanovic Z, Golubovic A, Vicko F, Đuric M, Lukic D. Nipple-sparing mastectomy in breast cancer patients – predictors of postoperative complications and reconstruction outcomes. 10th European Breast Cancer Conference;2016; Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
34 | Djuric M, Radovanovic Z, Lukic D, Ranisavljevic M, Radovanovic D, Vicko F. Early surgical complications of extra-levator abdominoperineal excision for low rectal cancer, Poster presentation on .36th European Society of Surgical Oncology Congress; 2016; Kracow, Poland. |
Course | Studies |
Surgery | Integrated Academic Studies in Medicine |
Surgery | Integrated Academic Studies of Dentistry |
Introduction to Clinical Practice I | Integrated Academic Studies in Medicine |