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Karmen Stankov

Full Professor

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry


Phone: 0216622907

ORCID ID : 0000-0002-3888-3473

Academic career Year Institution Field

Status Acquired


Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad




Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad

Clinical Genetics



Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad

Clinical Pharmacology



Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology



Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology



Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad

General Medicine

M Description


Монографија: Станков К. Генетске и молекуларне карактеристике карцинома штитасте жлезде са ћелијском оксифилијом. Медицински факултет Нови Сад, 2006, 172 стр. ISBN 86-7197-236-4


Уџбеник: Станков К. Биохемија и генетика наследних болести. Медицински факултет Нови Сад, 2016. ISBN: 978-86-7197-480-6


Практикум: Ковачевић З, Станков К, Бајин-Катић К. Приручник практичних и семинарских вежби из биохемије и молекуларне биологије. 2006. ISBN 86-7197-259-3


Поглавље у уџбенику: Станков К. Генетска предиспозиција за настанак малигнитета. Онкологија, уредник Дарјана Јовановић, Медицински факултет Нови Сад, 2009. ISBN 978-86-7197-292-5


Stankov K, Benc D, Draskovic D. Genetic and epigenetic factors in etiology of diabetes mellitus type 1. Pediatrics. 2013; 32:1112-22 (IF=5.297, 2/118)


Stankov K, Stankov S, Katanić J. Genetic and epigenetic drug targets in myelodysplastic syndromes. Curr Pharm Des. 2017;23:135-69. (IF = 3.052, 74/25)


Stankov K. Editorial: Discovery and Validation of Drug Targets Through Human Genetics and Epigenetics. Curr Pharm Des. 2017;23:3-4. (IF = 3.052, 74/255)


Stankov K, Popovic S, Mikov M. C-kit signaling in cancer treatment. Curr Pharm Design, 2014; 20:2849-80 (IF = 3.452, 62/254)


Stankov K, Borisev I, Kojic V, Rutonjski L, Bogdanovic G. Modification of antioxidative and antiapoptotic genes expression in irradiated K562 cells upon fullerenol C60(OH)24 nanoparticle treatment. J Nanosci Nanotech. 2013;13:105-13 (IF = 1.339)


Stankov K, Pastore A, Toschi L, Kraimps JL, Bonneau D, Gibelin H, Levillain P, Volante M, Papotti M, Romeo G. Allelic loss on chromosomes 2q21 and 19p13.2 in Hürthle thyroid tumors. Intl J Cancer, 2004;111:463-7 (IF=4.416, 23/121)

Course Studies

Medical biochemistry and chemistry

Integrated academic studies in medicine

General biochemistry

Integrated academic studies in pharmacy

Medical biochemistry

Integrated academic studies in pharmacy

Clinical biochemistry

Integrated academic studies in pharmacy


Integrated academic studies in dentistry

Nanostructured biomaterials in dentistry

Integrated academic studies in dentistry

Molecular human genetics

Doctoral academic studies - Preclinical research

Molecular basis of inherited diseases

Doctoral academic studies - Preclinical research

Actualities in Medical biochemistry

Doctoral academic studies - Preclinical research

Actualities in Internal medicine

Doctoral academic studies - Clinical research

Actualities in Medical biochemistry

Doctoral academic studies - Clinical research

Molecular diagnostics and therapy of malignant diseases

Doctoral academic studies - Clinical research