Насловна / Наставници и сарадници / Картон наставника

Милан Ранисављевић


Институт за онкологију Војводине, Клиника за оперативну онкологију


Телефон: 0214805436

ORCID ID : 0000-0002-6898-8612

Картон научног радника: 5281

Академска каријера Година Институција Област

Избор у звање


Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Хирургија, онколошка хирургија



Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Општа хирургија



Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Општа медицина

M Опис


Ranisavljevic M, Radovanovic Z, Golubovic A, Vicko F, Duric M, Lukic D. Nipple-sparing mastectomy in breast cancer patients-predictors of postoperative complications and reconstruction outcomes. ЕЈC. 57: 134.


Golubovic A, Ranisavljevic M, Djilas D, Stoiljkovic B, Selakovic V, Radovanovic Z, Bogdanovic D, Plzak A. The clinical role of micrometastatic disease in sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer. Journal of B.U.ON. 2012; 17(1):46-50.


Bogavac M. Simin N. Ranisavljević M. Budišić Lj. The role of insulin growth factor in prediction and prevention of preterm delivery. Vojnosanit pregl. 2010; 67(11):883-6.


Djuric M, Radovanovic Z, Lukic D, Ranisavljevic M, Radovanovic D, Vicko F. Early surgical complications of extra-levator abdominoperineal excision for low rectal cancer. EJSO. 42 (9):143.


Petrović T, Vicko F, Radovanović D, Petrović N, Ranisavljević M, Lukić D. The importance of training and education in performing total mesorectal excision in rectal cancer surgery. Vojnosanit preg. In pres.


Golubović A, Ranisavljević M, Radovanović Z, Selaković V, Mandić A, Djilas D. Analysis of sentinel nodes biopsy in breast cancer -12 years after introduction into clinical practice. Med pregl. 2012; 65(9-10):363-7.


Selakovic V, Golubovic А, Ranisavljevic М, Plzak А, Radovanovic Z. Nipple Sparing Mastectomy with Primary Breast Reconstruction–Local Recurrence and Complications in 246 Cases. EJC. 2012; 48:S193.


Ranisavljević M, Selaković V, Lukić D, Radovanović Z, Vicko F. Impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on wound complications after breast surgery. Arch Oncol 2013;21(3-4):105-8


Radovanovic Z, Ranisavljevic M, Radovanovic D, Vicko F, Ivkovic-Kapicl T, Solajic N. Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy with Primary Implant Reconstruction: Surgical and Oncological Outcome of 435 Breast Cancer Patients. Breast Care 2018;13:373–378.


Vučaj Ćirilović V, Vuković M, Boban J, Šolajić N, Ranisavljević M, Prvulović Bunović N. A male case of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in the breast presenting as gynecomastia. Vojnosanit Pregl 2021; 78(10): 1108–1112

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