Насловна / Наставници и сарадници / Картон наставника

Владимир Манојловић


Клинички центар Војводине, Клиника за васкуларну и трансплантациону хирургију


Телефон: 0214843644

ORCID ID : 0000-0002-7998-2371

Картон научног радника: 3178

Академска каријера Година Институција Област

Избор у звање


Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Ургентна медицина



Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Васкуларна хирургија



Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Ургентна медицина



Медицински факултет Нови Сад




Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Општа медицина

M Опис


Vladimir Manojlovic , Nebojsa Budakov , Slavko Budinski , Djordje Milosevic. Cerebrovacular Reserve Predicts the Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome After Carotid Endarterectomy. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020 Dec;29(12):105318. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.105318.


Vladimir Manojlović, Đorđe Milošević, Nebojša Budakov, Dragan Nikolić1. Incomplete Circle of Willis and cerebrovascular reactivity in asymptomatic patients before and after carotid endarterectomy. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2021 Jan-Feb;149(1-2):37-42


Vladimir Manojlović ,Vladan Popović, Dragan Nikolić, Đorđe Milošević,Janko Pasternak, Nebojša Budakov. Completeness of Circle of Willis in symptomatic and asymptomatic extracranial carotid disease. Med Pregl 2016 Nov-Dec; 69 (11-12):335-416.


Dragan Nikolić, Marijana Basta-Nikolić, Vladimir Manojlović, Željko Živanović, Sanja Vicković, Viktor Till. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated withsevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 2021 Volume 149, Issue 11-12, Pages: 702-707


Slavko Budinski, Vladimir Manojlović and Aleksandar Knežević. Predictive Factors for Successful Prosthetic Rehabilitation after Vascular Transtibial Amputation Acta Clin Croat 2021; 60:657-664


Popovic Vladan , Sekulic Vuk Manojlovic Vladimir Milosevic Djordje Nikolic Dragan Pasternak Janko . Transplantation of infant kidneys - The surgical technique en bloc and transplant position variation: A case report (Article). VOJNOSANITETSKI PREGLED, (2015), vol. 72 br. 12, str. 1122-1125


Milosevic Djordje Pasternak Janko J Popovic Vladan Nikolic Dragan Milosevic Pavle Manojlovic Vladimir. The analysis of the connection between plaque morphology of asymptomatic carotid stenosis and ischemic brain lesions. VOJNOSANITETSKI PREGLED, (2013), vol. 70 br. 11, str. 993-998


Vladimir Manojlović ,Vladan Popović, Dragan Nikolić, Đorđe Milošević,Janko Pasternak, Nebojša Budakov. Completeness of Circle of Willis in symptomatic and asymptomatic extracranial carotid disease. Med Pregl 2016 Nov-Dec; 69 (11-12):335-416.


Manojlović Vladimir, Milošević Đorđe, Budakov Nebojša, Marković Vladimir, Nikolić Dragan. Early stroke after carotid endarterectomy: A case series during a 5-year period. Medicinski pregled, 2018 71(11-12):389-393


Slavko BUDINSKI, Janko PASTERNAK, Vladimir MANOJLOVIĆ,, Vladimir MARKOVIĆ, 2 and Dragan NIKOLIĆ. Significance of delayed surgical treatment of symptomatic non-ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Medicinski pregled, 2019 72(3-4):80-87


Dragan Nikolić Marijana Basta Nikolić, Ljiljana Gvozdenović, Vladimir Manojlović, Đorđe Milošević, Nebojsa Budakov. Burnout and Vices among Serbian Surgeons and Anesthesiologist, during COVID-19. IJSR. Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 DOI: 10.21275/SR20622135803


Dragan Nikolić , Marijana Basta Nikolić , Vladimir Manojlović , Djordje Milošević , Nebojša Budakov , Ljiljana Gvozdenović. Paraaortic Lymphadenectomy in Surgical Treatment of Cervical Cancer in FIGO IB Stage of the Disease. IJSR. Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 DOI: 10.21275/SR20617162720


Budinski S, Manojlović V, Budakov N, Batinić N, Pejaković Budinski M, Stojić M. Endovascular revascularisation of carotid artery stenosis. Med. Pregl. 2020; LXXIII (11-12): 351-356

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